Now if you've been constantly following this awesome blog then you might have been familiar with, how attached an Indian is with the word "Cricket".
Even if you haven't you can have a glance over it HERE.
Now that you know, cricket is considered as "GOD" in India.
You must be wondering what the hell is "IPL" ? so here it goes;
IPL (Indian Premier League) is a series of twenty-twenty cricket matches between cities of India. Collared as teams which are formed by rich people/actor's/businessmen of India.
The name IPL was so-called inspired (copied) from the EPL (English Premier League) more info on EPL is placed HERE.
You can have some more official definition of IPL over HERE.
Now the facts, IPL was produced looking at the fact that Indian public that to which is mostly unemployed or illiterate will be the key audience. IPL got massive response from the Indian citizens, it was like a excuse for the Indian's to have a party, drink alcohol and just lie down before that idiot box for another long hours !
IPL actually is a platform for all the actors and businessmen in India to promote themselves or their products. What happens in there is if you are a cricket player for any team in the IPL. And that too with high form and everything going good, then this is what you get,
1) Money
2) Advertisements
3) Cheer Leaders
4) Unlimited Alcohol
All you have to do is play great (its all right even if you don't) at every match and then after every match there is a "private" party where you are free to "CHOOSE" any of the cheer leader you want from below;
And hook her up for the night ! Now the cheer leader as you know can't say "NO".
Lets see what an Ex-IPL cheer leader Gabriella Pasqualotto has to say about the IPL in her blog named "The Secret Diary Of An IPL Cheer Leader" over HERE.
Now here are some overly pictures of the after IPL night parties;
As i said these are just the overly pictures, the real scene can't be published !
In such hotshot parties you as an IPL cricketer are free to choose any of the cheer girl and take her to your room.
The country India is famous for its culture and traditions which ends here.
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