
Quit Smoking. but why?

Smoking is a very unhealthy, yet addictive activity. The haphazard of smoking are pretty known. But there is one more major impact smoking does, it’s by ruining the person’s appearances. The smoke puffs, will very soon develop puffy eyes and under eye bags will start appearing. Smoking makes the person feel un-rested, even though after a complete night’s sleep.

Improper night sleep will not only develop under eye bags, but will also take a toss on your energy levels making it difficult to carry out the routine activities with complete focus. Another skin trouble smoking develops is Psoriasis. However, cigarettes are not the only triggers for such skin related complexities, but smokers’ risk of getting psoriasis is double in comparison to non-smokers.

Excessive smoking is also responsible for discoloration of your bright white teeth and develops difficult to deal gum problems and disorders.Smoking also develops scarring on skin. This is because of the narrowing of the blood vessels limiting oxygen rich blood to flow in other parts of body. Thinning of hair is also another major trouble experienced by people involved in smoking. This is generally observed by females habituated to smoking.

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