
Wildlife Tourism in India

India is a vast country with interesting zoo geography. This has resulted from diverse climatic conditions, varying altitude and local situations. Diverse life forms existing in the country. The wildlife of India is unique, interesting and worth experiencing.

There are more than 300 species of mammals among which the tiger and lion are tertiary carnivores and prime predator. The lion is restricted to Gir National Park in the state of Gujarat, but the tiger inhabits many regions.

Tiger is main interest of tourists in India and Internationally. In recent times interest in Lion safari has become popular. The Asiatic lion is the sole representative of its race in the World. The Asiatic lion survives only at Gir National Park in India. In Gujarat Asiatic Wild Ass in Little Rann of Kutch and Black Buck at Velavadar are also of tourist interest.

In Eastern India in Assam, Indian Rhino safari attracts thousands of tourists to Kaziranga National Park. The one horned rhino is now found only in Assam, Uttar Pradesh and some regions of Nepal. The Indian wild elephant and Asiatic wild buffalo also make Kaziranga their home. Manas tiger reserve is also a habitat for tigers and rhino in Assam besides the Golden Langur. Namdapha in Arunachal Pradesh is home to the red panda, hoolock gibbon and the clouded leopards besides many endemic species.

The best place to see the tiger are Kanha, Pench & Bandhavgarh National Park in Central India. They are the finest habitat of the Bengal tigers in the country. A large number of tourists come here for tiger safaris, birding and wildlife watching. Other places to see tigers in India are Corbett Tiger Reserve in Uttranchal and Ranthambhore National Park in Rajasthan. The tigers inhabit many reserves in India but are not easily sighted.

Many tiger reserves in South are also popular tourism destinations because of diversity in flora and fauna they harbor. There live many endemic mammals and birds in Southern India which are found no where else.

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